Scoring Your Practice SAT Test

Scoring Your Practice SAT Test Quickly with the Daily Practice for the SAT App

The Daily Practice for the SAT App is no longer available. Therefore, much of the information about the instant scoring using the app is no longer valid.

In lieu of using the App to score your practice test, you can request a Google Doc from me. This is available only to paying students.

Make sure you have a College Board account. You might already have one. You’ll need one anyway in order to register for your SAT and to receive your results. If you do not already have one, please click here.

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Taking Your Practice SAT

For scoring your SAT, you need to take a Practice SAT first. Also, before taking it, you’ll need to print out the answer sheets. Be sure to take note of which practice test you are taking. As of this writing, there are 8 official SAT practice tests the app will score, so be sure to note the number of your practice test on your answer sheet. You’ll see it on page one of whichever test you’re taking. 

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There are 5 pages of answer sheets per test, so you’d do well to keep them together in a folder or at least fastened together with a paperclip. This is the only part you need physically. You can view your practice test from a computer screen once you’ve downloaded it as a PDF. Or, if you prefer the printed version, you can either print the test out (it’s about 65 pages per test) or buy the big blue book, The Official SAT Study Guide. Whichever method you choose, be sure to mark the number of your practice test and bubble in that number on your first answer sheet as well.

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Be Careful with Your SAT Answer Sheet

As you take your practice SAT, be sure to use a #2 pencil as you would during the actual test. You’ll want to replicate test conditions as much as possible, so practice as you want to perform. As silly as this sounds, this means using a #2 pencil. And, it means having an extra #2 pencil or two available while you’re taking your practice test.

Also, be careful to mark your answers clearly. College Board, the makers of the SAT, aren’t nearly as forgiving as teachers about scoring your test. So, be careful with your marked answers and definitely erase any stray marks completely. Be utterly clear about your answers.

Students have told me that using the Daily Practice for the SAT APP in natural lighting works much better. Even when scanning tests here in the office, we’ll open the blinds to let the sunshine in and then turn off the lights.

Oh, and you can use a prop, such as a brick, to help steady your hand as you scan your test. Using the app can be frustrating, so please be sure to try some of these tips when scoring your test with the app.

Lastly, if you are working with me, you’ll need to complete whatever parts you are taking, whether the 2 math sections or the entire practice test, at least a day before meeting with me. Also, you’ll need to text me which test and sections you are taking. So, if you are taking test#3, only the math sections, text me:

I’m taking sections 3 & 4 of test #3. 

This way I can load the correct SAT test (or sections) onto your board.


Grid In Questions, AKA Student-Produced Response

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For the math sections, there are 13 answers you have to grid in. You’ll see these on pages 3 and 5 of your answer sheets (for sections 3 and 4). For these, you’ll answer in the blanks and also fill in the bubbles below those answers.  In any case, mark those. If your answer is a fraction, such as ¾, you’ll enter a 3, then a slash (/) and then a 4. Otherwise, you can enter the decimal equivalent. Either answer, ¾ or 0.75, is acceptable.

The Hard Ask in Scoring Your Practice SAT Test

Okay, once you’ve completed your test, it’s better to let your answers sit a day. It’s too much drama to take a test and then score it on the same day. Let it go. Score it the next day. Usually, scoring it will be a letdown. This feeling will only be exacerbated if you score it right after you take a test. Please heed the admonition to score it the next day.

Fortunately, your app will keep track of your scores. You will want to keep track of your score per section. Your score, both composite and score per section, are important metrics. If there is a particular section you’re focusing on, that section score is of primary importance. So, too, is the number wrong for that section. So, you’ll want to keep track of more than just the portion score (verbal and math). It’s the # wrong per section.

What to Review After Scoring Your Practice SAT Test

So, you have the app. You’ve printed out the 5 pages of answer sheets prior to taking your full practice test. You’ve taken the practice test, marking on the top of your answer sheet those question numbers you find difficult (you mark on top so as not to mess up the scan of the shaded-in bubbles). And you’ve answered every single question, no matter what, as there’s no penalty for guessing. Finally, you’ve used the app to score your test.

Your app will keep track of your composite score. In addition to your composite score, you’ll want to track these details, section by section for each practice test you take:

-Number wrong per section

-Which particular questions were wrong

-Which questions you found difficult

So, your synopsis might look like this for a Reading Section:

Number wrong: 5

Question Numbers Wrong: 3,12,18,24,25

Difficult Questions: 2,3,7-10, 12, 24, 25, 40-44

Your last 2 sets of numbers, those wrong and those you found difficult, are most helpful in review. Those are the ones you want to review. More on how to do so later. This is enough for now.

Good luck with all of your SAT practice tests. May you reach your score goal and gain admission into the college(s) of your choice. With guided work, you can reach your SAT goals.

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By Martin

Martin McSweeney is a National Merit Finalist, Pomona College Graduate, and member of MENSA. He has worked at the Center for Talented Youth (Loyola Marymount University campus); Upward Bound (Harvey Mudd campus); various test prep companies; and Whittier High School. Now, Martin helps students of all abilities improve their relationship with math.