You can have a 10% discount on your next order. This 10% applies to both packages of hours you buy and individual tutoring sessions. Just type SCHOOL10 into the coupon code box and you will receive 10% off.
You can use SCHOOL10 as your 10% discount code on as many purchases on the site as you like. The SCHOOL10 discount code can apply to any and all types of your tutoring, both as session payments and packages of hours.
Your discount code must be used by February 17th, 2022. Even if you buy packages using the code, you’ll still have a year from now to schedule them.
If you’re new to, please contact me to take advantage of your free tech check. This is basically free mini-session for your student. Usually, within the first few minutes, we’ll run through the technology to see if if works. The first part of the tech check is communication: your student will use either FaceTime or Google Meet during math tutoring sessions.
For the second part, we’ll acquaint your student with Ziteboard, the online interactive whiteboard used to work on math. So long as your student has a stylus and a touchscreen, this part should only take a few minutes. Most students will use either an iPad or a Wacom Tablet. The Wacom Tablet usually runs $50 at Best Buy or Amazon, and is often for sale for as little at $39.
So, assuming the tech part of the tech check takes about 5minutes, you’ll have the rest of the tech check session to try out math tutoring free of charge.
After the tech check, you can use the School10 discount code to save 10% on all your math tutoring.
Get started today so your student can start suffering less tomorrow!