
AREA2D: Your 2D Area Solver TI84 Calculator Program

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $20.00.

AREA2D will give you the formulas for solving 2-dimensional figures. Oh, and it can give you the formula for any missing variable of a 2-d figure.

AND it will solve for any missing variable in a 2D area equation!



Menu1-1683220851144Now you can quickly and accurately solve for the areas of squares, rectangles, rhombi/kites, parallelograms, trapezoids, triangles, circles, sectors, regular hexagons, or regular polygons. Also, you can solve for the missing variable. If you need to show work, the program shows you the formula for both the area and the missing variable.


You can see both these menus to see what you can solve with the AREA2D program. Remember, you can solve for the area or for the missing variable. The program will give you the formula for whatever it is you’re looking for, be it the area OR the missing variable!



AREA2D is a powerful calculator program that provides area programs for a variety of figures, including squares, rectangles, rhombi/kites, parallelograms, trapezoids, triangles, circles, sectors, regular hexagons, or regular polygons. What’s even more impressive is that the program can solve for the missing variable, making it a convenient tool for solving complex area problems.

If you need the formula for area, you receive that along with your answer. Same for the missing variable!

Go ahead and buy your copy today. Save yourself the time and stress of making tedious calculations. Enjoy the peace of mind of speed and accuracy from AREA2D!

For more information, click here.


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