Set Up Your TI84 To Download Programs

Step 1: Downloading TI Connect CE Software for your TI84+ CE calculator

TI Connect CE 2023, part 1: Downloading TI Connect CE

Before you download your Free TI Connect CE software for your TI84+ CE calculator, you need to make sure you have a USB 2.0 A Male to Mini B Male (see image).

quadratic formula program ti84
Mini B male on left; USB 2.0 A Male on right

Without this cable, you cannot connect your TI84+ calculator to your computer. Not to worry, as you can buy it online or at Best Buy, Staples, etc.

Another point: TI Connect CE is specific to these TI calculators:

  • TI-84 Plus CE
  • TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
  • TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
  • TI-84 Plus

From there, you’ll head to TIConnect.

Free TI Connect CE Software
Free TI Connect CE Software page on TI looks like this.

Here is the link for a PC

Here is the link for a MAC

 You’ll download the one specific to your type of computer. Just be sure you have your TI84 calculator with you along with the cable. You?ll need these in a moment.

For a PC, the file is an EXE type. So, once you download it, you may have to walk through a few questions.

For a Mac, the file type is a DMG file. So, make sure you slide the Ti Connect CE icon over to applications.

For either type of download, you may have to restart your computer. In the next video, we’ll connect your TI84 calculator to your computer via the cable using TI Connect CE Software.

Step 2: Connecting your TI84+ CE calculator to your computer

TI Connect CE 2023, part 2: Connecting your TI84 to your computer using TI Connect CE

OK, I’m assuming you’re savvy enough to connect the USB 2.0 A Male end to your computer, and the other end, USB Mini B Male to your computer. And please turn both on (not kidding).

I’ll walk through the process on a Mac:

If you go to your Launchpad and click on TI Connect, you’ll see this happen. Then, connect your calculator and notice the change in the upper left. It shows your calculator is connected.

If you click on the stack of papers icon in the upper left of your TI Connect menu, you’ll see what’s on your calculator, your variables assigned, APPs, Lists, programs, etc. For the most part, you’ll likely be most interested in your operating system, programs, and apps.

TI Connect CE 2023, part 3: Uploading a program onto your calculator

Part 3: Uploading a Program onto your calculator

For our example of downloading a program, we’ll use QUAD, a program you can download from mcstutoring for free once you sign up on our email list. QUAD can take a quadratic in standard AX-squared + Bx + C=0 form and give you the two solutions.

You can see the program in action here.

In any case, you’ll just do this: drag the .8XP file onto your calculator. You’ll see a popup window asking permission to download it. Once you’ve checked it, you can click SEND. In just a moment, it will show up on your calculator. 

Press the PRGM key on your calculator keypad and you should see it populate in your list of programs.


By Martin

Martin McSweeney is a National Merit Finalist, Pomona College Graduate, and member of MENSA. He has worked at the Center for Talented Youth (Loyola Marymount University campus); Upward Bound (Harvey Mudd campus); various test prep companies; and Whittier High School. Now, Martin helps students of all abilities improve their relationship with math.