From now through September 20th, you can have 30% off any math tutoring package you buy. Just use the code 2023THIRTY. This code will work for any and all math tutoring packages you buy from now through September 20th, 2023.
When you purchase a block of hours, of any length, just type in 2023THIRTY into the discount code box. That way, you will have 30% off.
You can use the code an unlimited number of times, but the 30% discount will be valid only through packages purchased through January 1st, 2023.
Details on Using Your Discounted Package of Math Tutoring Hours
These tutoring hours can be used at any time during the year. You needn’t use all of them in 2023. In fact, these hours can be used for your student for up to 3 years.
If you do not use all the tutoring hours by the time your student is finished with math, you can be refunded the unused amount. Just contact me and you will receive a refund for the unused portion.
Or, if your student has a sibling or relative, these hours can be transferred over to another student.
What if You Miss the Deadline?
In case you miss the September 20th deadline, you can still use the code for 25% all math tutoring packages bought through September 20th.
Set Up Your Free Tech Check Session Now
Now is the best time to set up and use your free tech check session. When your student has time off and there are no major deadlines or distractions, it’s perfect! Your student can focus on their free 30-minute tech check session. While the tech part will take only 5-10 minutes, the remainder of the 30-minute session can be used to see if mcstutoring is a good fit for you.
If it is a good fit, then be sure to use the discount code. to buy a package of math tutoring hours.