You can have a 20% discount on all types of tutoring packages. Just type in SUMMER22 into the discount code box and you will receive 20% off.
But, be sure to act fast. Coupon code is only good through July 20th, 2022.
You can secure your 20% discount by acting now. Even if you aren’t certain when you’d use the tutoring hours, you ought to buy now. Once you buy your package of tutoring hours, you can use them any time within the next few years. So, you can take your time, save your credit hours and use them when needed. Think of them as credit on a gift card. That way, you can use any of the hours when you need.
If you don’t use them, or the full allotment, you can ask for a refund at the end of the academic year. Then, you can be refunded for the full amount of unused hours.
Be sure to take action before the discount expires. Buy your tutoring package today! Schedule Your Session
You have a variety of math tutoring packages to choose from. You can select from 5, 10, or 20 hour packages. There are even more packages of larger amounts with lower per-hour costs to choose from. You can contact us for information about those packages.
If you’re not certain quite yet, you can set up a free onboarding session. During that 30-minute session, we’ll use the first 5-10 minutes to check your technology. Basically, you’ll need a tool to communicate – usually FaceTime or GoogleMeet – and a tool for writing on your online interactive whiteboard. With Ziteboard, you can use a touchscreen of any type. A Wacom Tablet, usually for sale for ~$50 at BestBuy or Amazon, is your best choice. If you don’t have one, you can use an iPad or other computer tablet. After that, any touchscreen would work fine. We recommend you use a stylus so you can write clearly.
Contact us if you’d like to set up a free onboarding session before getting started.